2023年中考英语二轮之专题复习 您所在的位置:网站首页 Winter Activities 作业设计 2023年中考英语二轮之专题复习


2023-06-06 19:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


4课程名称 中考英语二轮之专题复习---数词教学设计主备教师 董庆万 年级 九年级 学科 英语 课时 2课型 新授课 R复习课 练习课 讲评课 实验课 其他_______________一、课程标准本课以《英语课程标准》中的英语学习活动观为依据,根据新课标的要求,通过整合归纳让学生在复习中运用所学知识。二a23、学习内容分析The learning content this part is about numbers, which were divided into ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers. Students should learn how to use these two kinds of numbers in different situations.三、学情分析It's sure that most of the students have mastered the grammar points. And they are familiar with the topics, but when it comes to some difficult points, especially some expanding points, they may feel confused, in especial the students who have fallen behind.四、素养目标1.To review and strengthen learning of the key difficult vocabulary about numbers. 2.Be able to use different numbers to express ages, time, numbers and so on. 3. Be able to put the language points into practical use. 4. To identify the ordinal numbers and cardinal numbers correctly.五、学习重、难点重点: 1.与基数词,序数词相关的易错词汇。 2.熟记基数词和序数词的具体用法。 难点: 辨析使用基数词和序数词的情况。六、教、学方法与策略选择教法:直观教学法,小组合作竞争法,复习归纳法。 学法:自学,小组共学七、教学资源准备PPT,教材梳理练习册,中考突破话题巩固练习八、教学过程教师教学流程 学生学习任务说明 评价重点Step 1. 讲解数词思维导图 学生准备笔划重点学生课前是否有认真记忆Step 2. 展示往年数词的考点 听力的考查 ①听句子 考察8:30;the second;20°.... ②听短文 考察20,000 books; at 10:00 am,; an hour a day... ③听填信息 考察August 11th; 35°... 学生做重点笔记,并对重点进行记忆 学生课前是否有认真记忆; 课堂上是否有主动参与Step 3. 语法解析 展示基数词和序数词的构成。 即学即练 展示基数词的常见用法。 即学即练 学生听讲,记笔记,提问题 学生思考,举手回答问题 学生头脑风暴,联系之前所学进行总结归纳,记笔记,提问题 学生完成习题 学生是否有进行思考,主动提出问题; 学生是否积极回答问题; 学生是否有主动探究并对所复习的知识点了然于胸展示序数词的常见用法。 即学即练Step 5. 总结 学生总结今日复习所得。 学生及时归纳总结 学生是否能说出今日复习内容Step 6 当堂巩固 1.教师展示练习题(针对本次复习的语法)请学生解答 学生思考,举手回答问题 学生是否能分析清楚每道题目九、板书设计Review 数词 基数词: 1.年龄和年代的使用;2.时间的使用;3.hundred, thousand, million, billion的使用 序数词: 1.基变序规律;2.序数词的使用 基序混合使用: 1.分数的使用;2.编号的使用十、目标检测1. Wu Dajing, a ____ Chinese skater, set a new world record at the Short Track World Cup last year. A. 25-years-old B. 25-year-olds C. 25-year-old D. 25 years old 2. - Many young people came to Xinjiang in ____. - Yes, my father is one of them. He came here in his ______. A. 1990s; twenties B. 1990s; twenty C. the 1990s; twenties D. the 1990s; twentieth 3. ____ volunteers will be needed for 2020 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. A. Two hundred of B. Two hundreds of C. Hundred of D. Two hundred 4. After several years' hard work, the environment in this village is becoming better and better. ____ birds are coming back. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Thousand D. Three thousands 5. Two months ago, China tested its ____ aircraft carrier(航空母舰) built completely on its own. A. one B. first C. the one D. the first 6. After Jack volunteered at a village school for half a year in 2018, he always expected to go there a ____ time. A. first B. second C. two D. third十一、教学反思








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